SEGA Programmable Logic Devices

The following is a list of Sega custom programmable logic parts that I can supply as a newly programmed IC.
They are like for like replacements and are just one chip that fits in place of the original, which is usually in a socket for ease of exchange.

Sega No. Device Type Used On Location
PA_06L PAL16L8 Turbo CPU IC 90
PA_06R PAL16R4 Turbo CPU IC 22
315-5023 PAL16R4 System 1A IC 45
315-5024 PAL16R4 System 1A IC 46
315-5062 PAL16R4 System 1B & 1C IC 41
315-5063 PAL16R4 System 1B & 1C IC 67
315-5074 PAL10L8 Bank Panic Loc C2
315-5075 PAL16R4 Bank Panic Loc B2
315-5106 PAL16R6 Hang On
Space Harrier
Hang On IC 100
Space Harrier IC 80
315-5107 PAL16R6 Hang On
Space Harrier
Pre-System 16
Hang On IC 101
Space Harrier IC 116
Pre-System 16 Loc G22
315-5108 PAL16R6 Hang On
Space Harrier
Pre-System 16
Hang On IC 97
Space Harrier IC 117
Pre-System 16 Loc E19
315-5137 PAL16R4 System 2 (All except Choplifter) IC 10
315-5138 PAL16R4 System 2 IC 11
315-5139 CK2605 System 2 IC 50
315-5141 CK2605 Pre-System 16 Loc C4
315-5143 CK2605 Pre-System 16 Loc G24
315-5144 CK2605 Pre-System 16 Loc D/E8
315-5147 PAL16R6 Pre-System 16 Loc G23
315-5149 CK2605 Pre-System 16 Loc D/E20
315-5152 PAL16R4 System 2 (Choplifter only) IC 10
315-5193 PLS153 Pre-System 16 Loc J8
315-5202 CK2605 Pre-System 16 Loc L8
315-5213 PAL16R6 System 16B
Y Board
Loc F/G8
315-5214 CK2605 System 16B Loc F13
315-5222 PLS153 Out Run CPU IC 12
315-5223 CK2605 Out Run CPU IC 26
315-5224 CK2605 Out Run CPU IC 108
315-5225 PAL16R4 Out Run CPU IC 62
315-5226 PAL16R4 Out Run CPU IC 79
315-5227 CK2678 Out Run VID IC 46
315-5228 CK2605 Out Run VID IC 123
315-5278 PAL16L8 X Board IC 84
315-5279 PAL16R6 X Board (Afterburner only) IC 127
315-5280 CK2605 X Board
Y Board
X Board IC 18
Y Board CPU IC 103
315-5290 PAL16L8 X Board IC 109
315-5291 PAL16L8 X Board IC 117
315-5298 PLS153 System 16B Type 2 ROM Bd. Loc B9
315-5304 PAL16R6 X Board (All except Afterburner) IC 127
315-5314 PAL16L8 Y Board CPU IC 20
315-5315 PAL16L8 Y Board CPU IC 76
315-5316 PAL16L8 Y Board CPU IC 49
315-5317 PAL16R4 Y Board CPU IC 98
315-5318 PAL16L8 Y Board CPU IC 96
315-5319 PAL16L8 Y Board (128K Object ROMs) VID IC 43
315-5325 PAL16R4 Y Board VID IC134
315-5328 CK2678 Y Board CPU IC 104
315-5374 GAL16V8 System 18 IC 74
315-5375 PAL16R6 System 18 IC 62
315-5389 GAL16V8 System 18 IC 72
315-5390 GAL16V8 System 18 IC 25
315-5391 GAL16V8 System 18 IC 80
315-5421 CK2605 Y Board (512K Object ROMs) VID IC 43
315-5430 PLS153 System 18 IC 65

Please contact me for up to date pricing.
Any PLS153, CK2605 or CK2678 may be more expensive if the equations will not fit into a common device, please ask.
New devices are added to this list regularly. If there is a specific device you need but is not listed here, please eMail me.

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