I can program almost any DIP programmable device found on arcade PCBs, including ROMs, PROMs, Microcontrollers, PALs and GALs. I offer competitive rates, a same day turnaround, or even while-you-wait service, if you're close by! I can also erase your device (if applicable) before programming, or supply a device for you. I have available many EPROM files for arcade PCBs, as well as PROM images and some PAL files for Sega boards.

With this service you can:
Revive a dead board with a bad or corroded ROM
Change the game on a board to a newer revision, or a different game altogether
Remove a suicide processor, if the image is available

Take a look at the sections below, for a description of the chips I can do, and at the bottom for my VERY competitive pricing.

Virtually any EPROM from the early 2708 up to the big 27c160 and 27c322 mask compatibles. These larger ROMs are used in later PCBs such as Sega Model 2 and 3, whereas the earlier smaller ROMs date from the mid 70's. Any ROM size in-between can be catered for, including the 27c1000 series mask compatible 128k.

Bipolar PROMs are usually used on boards for small memory storage, state machine and RAM control, and colour output. They are one-time programmable devices and are usually not erasable. I keep a healthy stock of these in different sizes, if you can't supply your own.

These are programmable logic devices, commonly known as PALs or GALs. They combine a custom logic circuit into a small single package to save space on a board. Programs in the PALs and GALs are usually secure, although I do have the ability to program most of the PALs and PLDs found on Sega boards, see here. Other programmable logic devices such as the PLS153 and CK2605 are not securable, and can be duplicated, either from a supplied JED file or from a master device.

I can accommodate micro controllers too, such as the Intel 8751, but you will need to supply the program code, as most ones on arcade PCBs are secured, and cannot be read out. I can supply some reprogrammed replacements for Sega boards, please contact me for more details.

Please contact me for costs as they vary per device.

I can ship worldwide, and I accept PayPal. Please Email me if you have any questions. I am based in the UK.